Musings and Snoozes

Seasonal Insomnia!

So here I am at 5am, having not slept since 2 oclock. Lovely. Now I need to decide whether to get up and snooze later or try and sleep now but miss half the day by not waking up til lunchtime. I’m hoping for the former, hence posting here.

Christmas has been lovely so far. I woke up at quite a respectable 7.30 on Christmas Day. Gone are the days of awake at 5, up at 6, though this is quite nice as it means the day isn’t half over by 8am. Jon and I opened each others presents here, which was lovely as it’s our first christmas together, both living together and being married. I then headed off to mum’s and he headed off to his parents-I’m not quite ready to spend Christmas day away from home yet! At mum’s there was a very fine breakfast of cinammon pancakes (a break in tradition due to my body’s sudden aversion to scrambled egg!), followd by more present opening. I got some beautiful presents from family and friends (including a very fine pair of midnight blue velvet dungarees from Jon-what more could a girl want?!), so I’ve done pretty well. More importantly all the gifts I’ve given this year seem to have gone down well, especially the Track Day that Jon and I bought mum. I can’t wait to go watch her do that! Christmas Day itself was very quiet, as it’s just me and mum, but it was actually quite nice to just laze about and relax, especially as the build up to Christmas seems to have been particularly manic this year! We had a lovely dinner of venison stew about 5oclock ish and then settled in to an evenings christmas TV viewing, from Doctor Who (victorian themed and corsetry-perfect) to Downton Abbey (poor Cousin Matthew). A thoroughly lovely day all round.

Boxing Day was lovely and chilled as well, not to mention mostly spent eating! We went to Jon’s parents in the afternoon and spent many a happy hour eating more lovely food and watching How to Train Your Dragon, which was great. Consequently I now want a pet dragon.

Today will in theory be spent attacking the sales with Mum, though this is assuming I don’t fall asleep and miss them entirely. I do wish it were already daylight-I’d be much more inclined to get up and do things, or at least go out for a wander. The dark and wet is less than tempting though. Still, I shall go get my book and if I finish that then it should take me nicely up til dawn…

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Too tired for a title

So this I think is what a relapse feels like. I have done far too much over the last few days, including shopping in London, going out Thursday night, again last night for our work Christmas do and then mooching out and about today. Plus work and general functioning. Everything was totally worth it but essentially I’ve come to a bit of a standstill, both physically and mentally, and absolutely everything hurts. Even talking is an effort and the ability to make even the smallest decision has completely gone-I’m sure I’m driving Jon mad! The frustrating thing is I can’t do anything to fix it. I slept a bit earlier, but only because sitting was too much effort, I can take painkillers to help the pain, but my skin still hurts to touch. Essentially I have to just rest up and sit it out, but it is the most frustrating feeling in the world 😦



Well on my blog at least. The falling snow has excited me probably far more than it should, but then I’m in one of those sorts of moods today. The end of last week was a bit crap – I wasn’t sleeping very well and generally not feeling very with it. The weekend was good though, as Shell and Matt came to visit for Shell’s birthday and much mooching, shopping, chatting and eating was done. I was pretty dead come Saturday night, but I think that had more to do with getting up at 8.30am and running round all over the place to buy a Christmas tree, the decorations and almost forgotten bits and pieces that needed doing. It was totally worth it though and our Christmas tree, paper chains and sticky penguin window decorations are looking beuatiful :

Christmas Tree

Yesterday I had a much needed gentle morning, which made me realise just how important doing nothing is sometimes. I am a great one for rolling out of bed at the last minute, washing, dressing and being out of the house in about 15 minutes flat, no matter whether I’m going to work or just out at a weekend. Yesterday though I got up about 9ish, made some breakfast and sat watching a film with Jon for a couple of hours. This worked wonders in terms of my energy levels, and meant I was later able to decorate the tree, dance around to cheesy Christmas songs, go out, do some shopping and cook dinner for Jon, my mum and me. It may not sound much, but it’s quite something for me on a Sunday! So I’ve decided to try this theory out throughout the week. Obviously I don’t plan to watch a two hour film before work every morning, but getting up a bit earlier, having a leisurely shower and then mooching round the house with a bagel in hand should be the way forward I think. I just about managed it this morning and I do feel much better for it. For one I’m still quite awake, which is something considering I was at work until 6 tonight and have had a very busy day.  I’m hoping though that this, coupled with my general festive cheer which is helping, should make each day a little easier and if I can just manage to do a couple of extra things a day before Christmas, then I reckon I’m doing well. One day down, four to go… 🙂

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